Awaken the Dawn

Two-Time Award Winner (pre-published)
-Cascade Contest
-Blue Seal Awards

Two-Time Finalist (published)
-Selfie Book Awards
-The Wishing Shelf Awards

Available from major retailers (ebook and paperback)
Limited edition available for very limited periods through Kickstarter/BackerKit
Check out Ellis’s interview with Lynda Fontaine on “A Closer Look”
Connect with Ellis on her socials

Listen to the playlist from the club scene on SoundCloud

Awaken the Dawn – Trailer #2

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As they work together, journeying into Transylvania and solving the remaining clues, the scavenger hunt reveals a deadly secret the dreams have been pointing to, a secret Maksim’s old crime ring has been hiding all along, and Kat has walked right into their trap. Now she must beat them to the final clue (and solve it) or else suffer the same tragic fate as her dad.

Then a package arrives from Romania. It’s from her dad, sent before he died, and contains a list of clues—one of his classic scavenger hunts. Desperate to know why he sent it, she follows the clues to Bucharest. There she encounters Maksim, a reformed criminal with the right skillset for decoding this puzzle. Kat doesn’t trust him, but when she hits a series of dead ends, she’s left with no other choice.

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